Mob-ing, UAV tests and tagging Molas
Monday May 5th was a busy day getting a number of Mola's tagged, mobilizing equipment on the R/V Diplodus and performing UAV tests.
With nearly the full team assembled in a farmhouse near the beutiful town of Tavira, the tagging team left for the Tuna pen at 4am while the rest of us stayed to have breakfast and either went to the Diplodus docked in Ohlao or stayed put in the farm house. Lara Sousa and Ana Couto headed to the Tuna pen while João Pereira, Renato Caldas, Frederic Py, Margarida Faria, Ze Pinto, Francesco Lopez, Javier Gilabert and Kanna Rajan headed to the docks in Olhão. A number of adminsitrative issues with getting Maritime Police permits for all to sail on the Diplodus was worked on by Renato and João Pereira. The rest started moving equipment from the IPMA warehouse to the vessel. The rest of the day for this team was hectic with preparations on the vessel (rigging antenna, testing communications and AUVs), dropping off a van, getting another fixed at a local workshop and managing to get a full fledged Portuguese mid-day meal of excellent fish.
[An important highlight for this group on the vessel was the rush of excitement in getting (what was thought to be long-held sensor/electronics parts by Portuguese customs) turned out to be a toilet seat cover from Italy!!]
Meanwhile, the UAV team of João Fortuna, Ricardo Gomes and João Sousa stayed back at our lovely farm house and found an open field and with the owners permission spent the day test flying and diagnosing a low-level controller problem with the X8.
The end of the day found everyone tired but sitting down in the large living area for an all-hands, including Marina Oliveira (in Porto and over Skype) going over safety issues (paramount for this experiment) along with plans for the next days. Hunger finally overtook the deep discussion with people rushing to grab food (beer included) around 9pm with an end of day meal together.